Guide to Securing Microsoft Office 365 for Enterprise
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Over the past a long period, Microsoft Office 365? - the cloud-based version of Microsoft's collaboration suite - has become the company's cloud juggernaut, with 120 million commercial users lowered count. Not happy to stop there, the software giant's stated goal would be move two-thirds of their current Office business customers to the cloud by mid-2019.

The opportunity downside of the ubiquity for the Office suite - as well skyrocketing adoption of Office 365, specially - is that it's now a properly valuable target for cybercriminals. This could securing your enterprise's by using Office 365 more critical than any other time. Although Microsoft's security tools and capabilities are a great place to start,many enterprises moving to Office 365 experience they need more control and even greater visibility and protection across all their cloud applications.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 651
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 20 شهريور 1397 | نظرات ()
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